Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (2024)

by Maya Last Updated on 17 Comments

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (1)

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I’ve been a tad addicted to granola lately. It’s the easiest thing in the world to throw together, only takes about 30 minutes, and is great for an on-the-go breakfast or snack. What could be better? Last week I shared a Pumpkin Spice Granola but this week…this week I’m sharing one even better. Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola.

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (2)

Yes it’s amazing and yes you’ll be making it three times a week like I am after you try it.

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (3)

First of all how could something with chocolate fudge not be dreamy? The creamy sweet chocolate folded into the crisp shreds of dried coconut and assorted nuts and seeds makes one perfect granola.

Truly, I don’t think I’ll ever make another granola recipe again.

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (4)

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (5)

Of course this is great on it’s own but I urge you to try a crumble or two on top of ice cream or with a splash of coconut milk for a fun morning cereal or midnight snack.

Plus you won’t feel guilty like you do when you buy the store bought kind with loads of unneccesary sugar added to it. A few tablespoons of maple syrup is all you need to sweeten things up a bit.

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (6)


Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (7)

4.5 from 4 votes

Paleo Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola

Granola is the easiest thing in the world to throw together, only takes about 30 minutes, and is great for an on-the-go breakfast or snack.

Prep Time 15 minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes

Total Time 45 minutes

Author Maya Krampf from

Servings 8 servings

★ Review Print


Please ensure Safari reader mode is OFF to view ingredients.

  • 1 lb mixed nuts about 3 cups - I used pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • 1.5 cups unsweetened shredded coconut


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 6 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch sea salt

Click to convert between US & metric measurements:


More TIPS about this paleo recipe in the post above!

  1. Preheat oven to 300° F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. In your food processor or blender pulse the nuts until they are broken down to the size you want. I like mine on the chunky side but be sure not to over process.

  3. Place the nuts in a large bowl and toss with chia seeds and coconut flakes.

  4. In a small pot over low heat melt the coconut oil. Turn off the heat and whisk in the cacao powder, maple syrup, vanilla, and salt until smooth.

  5. Pour the fudge over the granola and toss to coat. Spread the mixture evenly onto the pan and bake for 25-30 minutes stirring once or twice.

Recipe Notes

*It's hard to tell if the mixture is done since it's already brown from the chocolate. Simply take a bite of a nut to gauge the doneness. It should taste toasted and crunchy.

© Copyright Wicked Spatula. We'd LOVE for you to share a link to this recipe, but please DO NOT COPY/PASTE the recipe instructions to social media or websites. You may share a photo with a link back instead.

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (9)

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Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (10)

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  1. Marcie


    I have made this recipe several times and it’s awesome!

  2. Joanne


    Hi, what if the mixed nuts that I have on hand are already toasted?

  3. Kelly Madigan


    Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (11)
    Hi Lauren,
    This recipe looks great.

    Do you soak the nuts overnight prior to making?
    Also. Have you tried baking at a lower temperature for longer time period?

    Take Care

    • Lauren


      Nope, no soaking required but if you’d like to sprout them first that would be fine!




    • Lauren


      No, the dates contain natural sugar. Feel free to plug in the ingredients to your favorite nutrition calculator.

  5. Maia


    Could oats be subbed in for some of the nuts? Or maybe just added? For something a bit lower in fat and calories.

    • Lauren


      Hi Maia, that’s the great thing about granola is that you can add it whatever you like!

  6. summer


    I am trying to print your recipe to hand out to employees at work and the print link is not working

    • Lauren


      Hi Summer, So sorry you’re having trouble. It’s working just fine for me. When you click the print button does it open another window?

      • Summer


        it does but the window keeps spinning and I have tried a few browser windows and nothing works :/

  7. Patricia


    Can we substitute the maple syrup for honey? It’s difficult to get maple syrup here in Portugal.

    • Lauren


      Sure thing! Honey will work 1:1

  8. Jess


    This looks yummo! Can I store this like normal granola? And how long will it keep? ?

    • Lauren


      Hi Jess, yes you can store it like normal granola! I keep it in a Weck jar and it lasts a little over a week. Maybe longer if you don’t eat it so quick 😉

  9. zee


    I LOVE LOVE this recipe i was looking for a chocolate cereal This Is Perfect !!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for this DELICIOUS recipe this will be a regular in my pantry 🙂

    • Lauren


      I’m SO glad you enjoyed it! This is totally one of my favorite breakfasts too!

Chocolate Fudge Coconut Granola Recipe - Wicked Spatula (2024)
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