A Shade of Evil (The Dark Lords #2) (2024)

🦉Maggie Whitworth

3,041 reviews100 followers

October 8, 2023


I know Shade is supposed to be Evil, but I loved this guy, he’s so cool and together.
The kind of character that you’re meant to despise, You can’t help but feel like you wouldn’t mind being the one he gives all his attention to.
The guy just needs love, He gets that from his lady.

Allegra is no pushover to be fare, she’s bossy and has a good sense of the direction she wants to go, who she is attracted to and how she’s going to go about the rest of her life, then she meets Shade.
She’s persuaded ( in the loosest sense) to give herself to him for a week in return for his help, she then sets the whole of her life in a different direction.

A wonderful dark romance from Stella, this Lady is a master of her craft, brilliant writing and stunning storylines.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review


46 reviews11 followers

May 14, 2024

DNF. "Dark" does entail creating spineless FMC who can't stand for themselves because they are addicted to a douche MMC. He does some really pathetic stuff to her and she goes on to entertain him again🤮 with no repercussions of what he did.
Authors should ssrly stop making such nasty characterless MMC in the name of dark😒

Lisette Valdes

7 reviews

January 15, 2024

Just no

This story was all over the place. One minute he is determined to ruin her life and the next he wants to marry her. There was no character build up and the plot was just weak. Maybe for someone else but not for me.

Angela Parker

479 reviews3 followers

October 5, 2023

Another deliciously dark and sexy book from Stella in the intriguing “Dark Lords” series. We feature Killian younger brother “Shade” who is a law unto himself and utterly ruthless.
Our innocent FMC “Allegra” certainly doesn’t know what’s hit her when Shade engineers their meeting and storms into her life. I love Allegra, despite a sheltered life she is strong, loyal and Shade triggers her hidden rebellious nature. Together they are red hot, sparkling of each other, some sizzling sciences here, spice is 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️. I reckon this is one of the sexiest books Stella written so far.
The story’s great too as both Killian and Shade execute their grandfather’s plans.
Love the plot twists and we get nods to characters we’ve met in previous series such as the evil Mario Bianchi.
Things finally seem to be panning out for the Vieri brothers but I’m sure their are more nefarious plots to be uncovered in future books, such an action packed, well planned series. Definitely looking forward to see where we go in Serena book.

Chrstine Taylor

14 reviews

October 20, 2023

Love this author but I was so disappointed with this book no real story every few pages contained Shade and Allegra sexual exploits I like some smut but not without some story line it just becomes boring,I could not gel with Allegra at all she was very weak I like the heroine to be just a little bit strong with some self respect I will read the next book as I stated before I have enjoy all her other books

Parlethia Browning

590 reviews5 followers

October 16, 2023

5 “Princess” Stars!!

I knew from meeting Shade in Pure Evil, I was gonna love him and I was right. Shade is just like his name suggests. He’s dark, always hiding in the shadows. He’s rebellious, extreme adrenaline junky, ruthless and quite co*cky. And I love everything about him lol. Now Allegra is the good girl. Always does what she’s told. Never goes against the grain. But meeting Shade changes all that and he brings out her rebellious side; her dark side. These two are a match made in Hell. Ally discovers she’s strong, determined, and brave.

Shade and Ally embark on a journey of self discovery, destruction, suspense, rebellion, and lust. These two had my Kindle on fire 🔥! These two were made for one another. Only someone with as dark a personality as Shade could hold his attention and challenge him at his own game.

I enjoyed A Shade of Evil and love how this author draws me in from the beginning pages. This is a great series thus far and the epilogue containing Serena’s story, has me very intrigued. It will no doubt be a wild ride too. I highly recommend this series. It will have you glued to your Kindle. I give book 2 A Shade of Evil two BIG thumbs up!!


2,415 reviews

October 6, 2023

The next in the Dark Lords books and it does not disappoint.
Shade Vieri is battling, along side his family to destroy the people trying to disgrace his family and have them thrown out of The Dark Lords. His target is Allegra Powell, he is going to destroy her and bring her family down with her. A promise to help her brings a deal of seven days and seven nights in which he plans to disgrace her and her family, leads to Shade discovering someone he didn't see coming. The two discover a pull that threatens to derail both their plans and together they take us on a journey full of twists, turns, deceit, betrayal and lust. Shade certainly lives up to his name and Allegra finds a rebel within herself she didn't realise existed. Together they will light the world on fire.
This is an amazing read and if you want to find out more about Shades family take a look at Pure Evil where we met Shades brother Killian.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

October 6, 2023

The next in the Dark Lords books and it does not disappoint.
Shade Vieri is battling, along side his family to destroy the people trying to disgrace his family and have them thrown out of The Dark Lords. His target is Allegra Powell, he is going to destroy her and bring her family down with her. A promise to help her brings a deal of seven days and seven nights in which he plans to disgrace her and her family, leads to Shade discovering someone he didn't see coming. The two discover a pull that threatens to derail both their plans and together they take us on a journey full of twists, turns, deceit, betrayal and lust. Shade certainly lives up to his name and Allegra finds a rebel within herself she didn't realise existed. Together they will light the world on fire.
This is an amazing read and if you want to find out more about Shades family take a look at Pure Evil where we met Shades brother Killian.

Diane Born in UK, now living on Spain

626 reviews11 followers

October 6, 2023

What can I say. I was half way through another book ( by an author I like ), when I saw the email about the book available on Booksprout. I took the opportunity to download it and started reading before bed. OMG I couldn’t read it quick enough, I was 2/3 of the way through and had to go to sleep.
The storyline is fabulous and keeps you hooked and trying to guess what will happen next, right to the end.
Shade is one heck of a man and I love how he develops through the book. I loved Allegra and the way she stood up to Shade and how he brought out the other side of her.
The only thing I didn’t like, was the ending, because it meant I had to go back to my half finished book, that just wasn’t a patch on this one.

Read it and enjoy - it’s wonderful.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


24 reviews

February 2, 2024


really enjoyed this book. shade and ally's lives collide all in the name of revenge. Shade's family are out to ruin and to do this they are using the reputations and secrets of Ally's family, some secrets even she is aware of. the emotional ups and down through this book keep yor eyes on the pages. Ally struggles with the pure sexually desire towards Shade, not understanding how he can treat her like a princess one minute and a wh**e the next, and still want him. Shade sets out to do his family justice and along the way discovers what the power of love can do, which is a very foreign emotion to him.
It has some very hot and steamy scenes with a good plot line. It got a bit confusing at times with Who was who.
Overall a really enjoyable read and will be proceeding to he next book in the series.

Irene Marshall

1,515 reviews2 followers

November 9, 2023

Great Read

This the second book in this series has been a fantastic read it has it all hot sexy Alpha males beautiful feisty females and lots of scorching sexy action what's not to love. Shade Vieri is mafiosa through and through he is the one who is the tough guy who sorts out problems and eliminates them, his Grandfather the Don gives him a job to do which brings him into contact with the gorgeous Allegra Powell when he saves her from being raped and probably killed and from that point the chemistry between them burns and the fun begins. A great storyline with appealing characters and lots happening to keep the interest going.

Carole Hanco*ck

514 reviews2 followers

April 15, 2024


Missed the mark for me. Was the book about Shade or Allegra? Main premise was vague, as were the concepts. So many plot holes left a rambling, dangling plot. Seems far fetched that so much could occur in the course of a week. I found logic problems and timeline issues causing story to be all over the place and hard to believe.
Book one was spot on with a goal, character development, background information and thorough explorations/explanations. Epilogue about Serena getting ready to ditch a trip to see her mother and take off with a man she has never met before is not dark. That is stupid.

J Andrade

174 reviews2 followers

October 6, 2023

What a dark twisted but oh so sexy story from Stella! This is book 2 in the “Dark Lords” series a definite must read! Shade and Allegra these characters draw you in from page one. This story continues on with who is trying to destroy the Vieri family, Shade is planning on using Allegra to destroy her and bring her family down. With a promise of seven days, seven nights – but can he do it without catching feelings. This series continues on with Serena’s story and this looks like its going to be a duzy.

Jacqueline Morris

216 reviews

October 7, 2023

Shade and Allegra this story had me on the edge of my seat a number of times wondering where Stella Andrews was going to take us.

I found myself worried about what was going to happen to Allegra, would she survive the deadly, possessive Shade. I really couldn't totally predict this book in the series. How dark was Stella going to make Shade and if he would be redeem himself.

Totally delicious read and the snippet about the Vieri sister looks intriguing.

Well worth a read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


1,987 reviews3 followers

October 7, 2023

Absolutely loved this book. It's gull of twist and turns and keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. Shades vieri deals with the family's draker side of their business and they want revenge on one man so shade sets his sights on Allegra that man's daughter, Allegra doesn't know what to think of shade but when he turns her world upside down she can only relay on him. In the end will she choose this dark lord or run?.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


670 reviews3 followers

October 8, 2023

Second book in the Dark Lords series is absolutely fantastic. I was pulled into Shade and Allegra's story. Shade wants to use Allegra to bring her family down, but it does not seem to go to plan. Secret and plotting revenge to bring down Allegra's family makes for a truly unique and compelling read. Stella Andrews is one of my favorite authors because she consistently writes books that just draws me in with fantastic characters that have incredible stories.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


961 reviews3 followers

October 8, 2023

Shade is determined to bring down his family's rivals for control of the Dark Lords. To do that he must ruin Allegra Powell. Having devised a plan to lure her onto his boat he ruins her reputation by posting evidence online of a hot and steamy night together. As details of this circulate, Shade tries to uncover who is behind the blackmailing of Allegra's brother that she has become involved on trying to solve. However, Shade gets more than he bargained for when he develops feelings for Allegra. Another dark and twisted tale.


18 reviews1 follower

October 9, 2023

Wow another brilliant dark romance book from Stella

Highly recommend. I was hooked from the first chapter. I loved Shade with his dark and soft sides towards Allegra. I love how they both got to discover new sides of themselves against all odds. They are opposites that shouldn’t ordinarily be together but also fit so well together. I didn’t want the story to end I hope we get a bit more insight to their future in Serena’s book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Elise Jordan

448 reviews1 follower

May 26, 2024

This book has it all and more!

I loved it! Shade what a name ! Well he's Kills mysterious brother from the first book and is so bad! Allegra is the woman that is nothing like Purity in the last book. She's a rare beauty and a strong woman. Shade is much darker than his brother and the book has a lot of angst, twists and turns and mysteries to solve. The scenes between these two are level 1O hot so be prepared! Stella Andrews is an excellent writer and I highly recommend this book!

Peggy Henstra

74 reviews

October 4, 2023

Loved Allegra and Shade. The story of how they intertwine is a real page turner. What started out with Shade wanting to destroy Allegra soon changes. As secrets are revealed, they join forces. With someone trying to harm her, all of Shane's protective feelings come out. Fast paced story that holds your attention, a real page turner.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Merry Jelks-Emmanuel

7,636 reviews118 followers

October 7, 2023

Shade and Allegra captured my attention from the first page of this dark romance. Andrews weaves an enticingly evil plot that takes a sudden turn on Shade when he finds himself falling for his victim but not before he tears apart his opponents. It leaves you wanting more, and I can't wait for the next book in this series to drop.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


2,443 reviews9 followers

October 7, 2023

Allegra is caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse. I love that her knight in shining armor leads her down a path of destruction. She finds her true self along her journey. And not only enjoys it but embraces it. I enjoyed her bestie taking the ride with her. Who wouldn't want to take such a trip with their ride-or-die friend?.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Joy Niemeier

60 reviews

October 8, 2023

Shade's initial intention was to destroy Allegra, however, as their pasts are uncovered, they come together as a team. When someone attempts to harm Allegra, all of Shane's protective instincts kick in, revealing the depth of his emotions for her. The story is fast-paced and captivating, with alluring twists, and enchanting chemistry. Look forward to the next book in the Vieri family trilogy.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

    action adventure romance

Valerie Moore

9 reviews

October 8, 2023

All I can say is WOW, I love Shade and Allegra's story. This book was amazing,dark and delicious. A well written mafia romance filled with secrets, lies and betrayal. It pulls you in and won't let go. It also has the perfect spice level between the characters. This is a 5 star and must read book, you won't be disappointed.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


1,903 reviews3 followers

December 29, 2023

A Shade of Evil...

The Dark Lords book 2. Shade and Allegra! They are so different and yet the same. He corrupts her. she uses him to escape her reality. Secrets, lies, betrayals and a whole lot of darkness. They are what the other needs. As he tries to find out who is hunting her, he falls completely for her. Start to finish this book is everything and then some. Moody, dramatic, twisty, angst ridden, but wrenching WTF and oh so freaking sexy. Onto next


347 reviews2 followers

October 4, 2023

A story about a young woman finally moving away from home to start a new life. Life had a way of changing fast and not for the best as Allegra finds out. Shade had a dark side thatsang to Allegra and it brought very hot sensual side in both of them. I enjoyed watching them grow together andthey became perfect for each other. I truly enjoyed their story.


12.3k reviews140 followers

October 5, 2023

Shade and Allegra story was all fiery heat, juicy drama and decadent darkness. Once I started this book, I absolutely loathed having to put it down. It is just that seductive and captivating. Tantalizing twists, elemental chemistry and an impossible to resist attraction are like the succulent frosting on a delicious delight that a nibble just isn't enough of, so go ahead and indulge!

Sissy's Romance Book Review

8,912 reviews16 followers

October 11, 2023

A Shade of Evil by Stella Andrews is Book 2 of The Dark Lords Series. This is the story of Shade Vieri and Allegra Powell. Shade is out to get Allegra and her family. But the more he is around Allegra the harder it is to meet his goal towards her. Enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read more in this series.

    2023-read 5-star amazon-unlimited


1,035 reviews1 follower

October 12, 2023


Shade is just like Killian, but he finds his other half in Ally. She is just as depraved and dark as he is, and it is refreshing. I honestly would have made Shade sweat it a while after what he did, but of course, when your heart decides it wants someone, there is no going back.

Catherine Ward

43 reviews

October 17, 2023

Shade meets his match

Shade was going to use Allegra to get revenge, at least that was the plan..... Only things don't work out the way he planned them to.
She's being blackmailed, and she's desperate to save her brother.... can they find common ground and help one another or will things go wrong???
I'm not telling lol 😂 I absolutely loved ❤️ this book !!!!

A Shade of Evil (The Dark Lords #2) (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.